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Acceptable use of publicly provisioned wi-fi and internet facilities.

This free Service is provided by British Telecom ("BT") and is available to the public at some Council buildings. Use of the Service is at your own risk and must be in accordance with BT's Acceptable use Policy. The full terms and conditions of BT's Acceptable Use Policy can be viewed here: https://info.btopenzone.com:442/terms-and-conditions/acceptable-use-policy.jsp. By using the Service, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy.

The Service is provided on an open, unsecured network. There are potentially serious security risks associated with using an unsecured network without the appropriate protections. Potential risks include viruses, worms and other programs that can damage a user's computer, as well as attacks on the computer by unauthorised or unwanted third parties. Service Users should take appropriate steps to protect their computer system against such risks, for example by installing current anti-virus software and maintaining appropriate firewall protections. By using the Service, you acknowledge and knowingly accept the potentially serious risks of accessing the Internet over an unsecured network.

The Service is provided on an “as is” basis. North Ayrshire Council does not warrant that the Service is fault free or fit for any particular purpose and cannot guarantee the privacy of your data and communications while using the Service.

North Ayrshire Council will endeavour to make the Service available at all times however the Service may be interrupted, limited or curtailed from time to time due to maintenance and repair work, transmission or equipment limitations/failures, collocation failures or due to an emergency. The Council is not responsible for data, messages or pages that you may lose or that become misdirected because of interruptions or performance issues with the Service.