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North Ayrshire Council Pest Control officers can be contacted for advice, or to investigate and deal with pests like rats, mice, wasps and fleas

Adopt a flower bed

Adopt a flower bed or planter in your local community

Building standards

Information on the permissions you may require when erecting a building or structure or using it to sell alcohol

Children's hearings

North Ayrshire Children's hearings information

Food Law Enforcement

North Ayrshire environmental health food safety inspections and food law inspections and enforcement

Emergency planning

Emergency planning information for Ayrshire

Smoke control areas

Smoke control areas

Air quality management

Local air quality management in north ayrshire

Light or noise complaints

Light and noise nuisance and complaints information

Invasive, non-native species

Where to source information about invasive, non-native species of animals and plants like Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam and North American Signal Crayfish.