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Empty homes

Information on bringing empty homes back in to use in North Ayrshire

Rent and finances

Rent information for North Ayrshire Council Housing tenants

Pay rent

Pay rent. Rent is due to be paid every 2 weeks, you can arrange monthly payments if you prefer.

Get help with paying rent

Problems paying your rent in North Ayrshire or falling into rent arrears

Safety advice for council tenants

General home safety information

Keeping tenants safe and secure

What is the concierge service in north ayrshire and who does it assist

Get support with housing issues

Information on the tenancy support service from North Ayrshire Council

Homelessness support

Information and advice on housing and homelessness issues within North Ayrshire

Local housing developments

Information on our plans for developing housing in North Ayrshire

Setting up an allotment

We have an Allotments Policy and it aims to empower local people to take forward developments themselves rather than the Council directly providing allotment sites. Advice is offered on: • Setting up a constituted allotment association • Sources of funding • Locations of suitable plots • How to develop and manage land