Cemeteries in North Ayrshire

North Ayrshire Council is responsible for 45 cemeteries and churchyards:

  • 12 on the Isle of Arran
  • 33 on the mainland
  • 18 of these are open for new lairs, 27 are closed for new lairs but existing lairs can still be used. 


Locations are marked on the map by dots. Click on a dot for address and service available.


  • FB - full burial
  • CR - memorial gardens for cremated remains
  • B - memorial gardens for babies
  • W - woodland burial

Please note: the mapping of memorials is ongoing, some pages await maps. For more information, please contact Bereavement Services.

Find information about each cemetery at the following links:

Opening times

North Ayrshire Council operates an open gate policy for its cemeteries, therefore they are always open. Some churchyards have restricted opening.


Contact us if you are concerned about a sunken lair and wish to arrange a repair.


Dogs are only permitted in a cemetery on a short lead. Any fouling should be removed immediately. Contact us to report any dog fouling.

Benches in Cemeteries

Unfortunately we no longer permit private benches to be installed within our cemeteries.

Some older private benches are having to be removed due to poor condition or because they are located in areas allocated for graves, to ensure people can be buried in their preferred resting place.

However, the Council will install benches at suitable locations within cemeteries to allow families and friends the options of a place to sit and reflect, where they may also choose the option of installing a plaque to remember a loved one. This can be arranged by contacting the Council.

If there are any locations in cemeteries where you think it would benefit from the Council installing a bench, please let us know and we will consider your request sympathetically. Please note, due to the aforementioned issue regarding space and suitable locations, not all requests may be granted.

Thank you for your understanding.