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Flood protection

Is my property at risk?

SEPA's flood maps show sources and potential impacts of flooding and whether the area where you live is at risk.

Flood forecast

Communities across Scotland are now able to prepare and take early action to protect themselves from flooding as a new three-day Scottish Flood Forecast is now available.

Developed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Met Office, the Scottish Flood Forecast provides the earliest indication possible of when and where flooding is expected over the next three days, and whether the source is from rivers, surface water or the sea.

The colour coded map on SEPA's website describes the potential impacts on communities and links to advice and information on protective actions. It also offers reassurance when significant flooding is not expected.

The forecast is produced every morning, 365 days a year, and published on SEPA's website. Use alongside the Floodline service, which issues shorter notice regional flood alerts and local flood warnings to those signed up, 24 hours a day, seven days a week


North Ayrshire Council's duties

Programmed inspections

During inspections, any clearance work or repairs are assessed and prioritised. If no immediate action is needed, they are added to our schedule of clearance and repair works.

We have a duty to:

  • assess relevant bodies of water to determine whether their condition increases the risk of flooding
  • prepare a schedule of works if we find a flood risk and have reason to believe clearance and repair works would substantially reduce this risk
  • make schedules of work publicly available
  • carry out prevention works within the schedule where we see fit
  • provide SEPA information on our rivers and coastline
  • work with other local authorities to produce local flood risk management plans

Report flooding on a public road

Property owners' duties

Owners have a responsibility to prevent flooding to their properties.

Individuals with a watercourse within the property boundaries, including piped watercourses, have a responsibility to allow the unrestricted flow of this water through the property. You must keep the watercourse clear of obstructions to reduce the risk of flooding.

North Ayrshire Council has the same duty to maintain watercourses on its land.

If your property has been affected by flooding, complete a 

Property flooding

Property Flood Resilience

The Living with flooding: action plan recommends actions for a range of stakeholders to take to help promote property flood resilience in Scotland.

SEPA's duties

If SEPA thinks an area is at risk, they must:

  • provide a flood warning service
  • carry out a national assessment of flood risks
  • produce flood risk and hazard maps

Floodline is a 24 hour information service, providing updates on river, tidal, rainfall and weather forecasts.

Flood Re

For help finding affordable flood insurance for home owners, visit Flood Re.

Flood gates

When there is important flood gate information, we will communicate this via our service alerts.

These alerts will appear below: