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Pay rent


Your rent is the money that pays for the services you receive. It is based on the type and size of property you live in. For some homes it includes service charges.

It is important that you pay your rent on time. If you are having problems paying your rent you must speak to us immediately. We will give you as much help and advice as we can to help you sort out the problem before it gets out of hand.

You will receive a letter when you first move in detailing what your first charge is and when it is due along with a plastic payment card.

The bar code on this card holds your:

  • name
  • address
  • rent account reference number

It ensures that any money you pay at a Post Office or PayPoint/Payzone outlet will reach your rent account. It is not a credit card and has no monetary value.

Payments can be made by:

  • cash
  • cheque
  • credit/debit card

How to pay

Direct Debit

Set up monthly direct debit

or call 01294 324603 (please have your bank details ready). 

If you move home, you will need to set up a new direct debit as your rent account number will change. 


Pay rent online


Call our 24 hour automated payment line on 0300 456 0639 using a credit or debit card.

Or call your Area Housing Office.

Standing Order

Complete and return 1 of the following:

Post Office

Make a payment using your rent card. A receipt will be given. It may take a few days before payment is credited to your rent account.

PayPoint or Payzone

Make a payment using your rent card. A receipt will be given. It may take a few days before payment is credited to your rent account.

Online banking

You can make a payment though online banking using the following information:

  • North Ayrshire Council – Housing rents account
  • Clydesdale Bank, High Street, Irvine
  • Account number: 30443706
  • Sort code: 82-65-22

The reference should be your payment reference, found on your rent card. You must include this so we know the payment is from you.

Deductions from wages or salary

North Ayrshire Council employees can complete and return a salary or wage deduction form (PDF, 151kb) or contact the Business Planning Team by telephoning 01294 324603.

Please note: whichever method of payment you choose, you remain responsible for payment reaching your rent account on time. Find out more if you have problems paying rent.

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