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Irvine Beach receives coveted Keep Scotland Beautiful Award

Posted on 3 Jun 2024

Irvine Beach has received the coveted Keep Scotland Beautiful award for a third consecutive year.

Announced on Thursday May 30, the award for environmental excellence from Keep Scotland beautiful is the only national benchmark for local environmental quality celebrating clean, well-managed and sustainable beaches.

A vital support to North Ayrshire Council’s Streetscene team, Irvine Clean-Up Crew’s dedicated network of volunteers have been at the forefront of efforts to keep the beach looking its best all year round.

Irvine Clean Up Crew Chair, Jen Pless shares: "We are absolutely delighted that Irvine Beach has been given a Beach Flag Award again this year.

“For Irvine Clean Up Crew it is one of our biggest and proudest achievements of the year. We think Irvine Beach is pretty special, so we are over the moon that those judging the beach award applications see that too.

“The award recognises all of the collaborative effort between ourselves, North Ayrshire Council, Coastwatch and other organisations to make sure Irvine Beach stays in tip-top condition all year round.

“The beach is a huge asset for the local area and we are so grateful that the vast majority of visitors to the beach leave nothing but footprints when it is time to go home. We wish everyone another wonderful summer season on Irvine Beach."

Thomas Reaney, Head of Service for Neighbourhood Services added: “On behalf of North Ayrshire Council and our Streetscene colleagues, I would like to share my sincere thanks to Irvine Clean Up Crew who have played an integral part to tackle litter and keep Irvine Beach looking its best. To win the Keep Scotland Beautiful Award once again is testament to their hard work and dedication.

“Groups like Irvine Clean Up Crew are the exact reason why North Ayrshire’s beaches are on the tourism map, and I would like to remind residents to do their part this summer by taking rubbish home with them and ensuring to put the right stuff in the right bin, to #KeepNorthAyrshrieBeautiful throughout the busy summer months.”

In order to achieve Scotland’s Beach Award, a range of criteria must be met, including beach safety, access and facilities, and cleanliness. Focusing on local environmental quality, the award is designed to complement the work undertaken by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency on bathing water quality.

A map showing all the award-winning beaches with directions, facilities and images can be found at: www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/beach

Jamie Ormiston, Keep Scotland Beautiful's Training and Accreditation Coordinator, said: “This award is the benchmark for quality, celebrating clean, well-managed and sustainable beaches. Our award-winning beaches demonstrate excellent beach management and I’d like to thank all those who do so much to protect, maintain and enhance our beaches, protecting the sand and sea for us all to enjoy."