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Occasional Licence

North Ayrshire occasional licence to sell alcohol

Future Housing Developments

Information about future council house building developments in North Ayrshire

Housing service improvement groups

details about different service improvement groups for North Ayrshire Council Housing Service

Keeping our tenants informed

How north ayrshire council communicates with its tenants

Payments to suppliers

Payments made by north ayrshire council to suppliers which are over £25000

Event planning and support

Guidance on planning community events in North Ayrshire

Make a claim

making a claim against north ayrshire council, incident enquiry form, incident, compensation, insurance, claim, pothole, damages

Audits and inspections

Recent audits, inspections and assessments carried out on North Ayrshire Council's key Services

Harbour information

Information about Saltcoats and Millport harbours in North Ayrshire.

Footwear, clothing and free school meals

Education grants: footwear, clothing grants and free school meals in north ayrshire