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Real nappy incentive scheme

Reusable nappies save money over disposables in the longer term, but the initial outlay can be restrictive.

North Ayrshire Council have a Nappy Incentive Scheme which allows parents in North Ayrshire who are interested in using ‘Real Nappies’ to try them out for free, giving a chance to see what suits you and your baby best.

Nappy pack options

Option one: Trial Tester Pack

The free trial tester pack of ‘Real Nappies’ contains; an easy to use, adjustable, one-sized Birth to Potty nappy, a microfibre nappy (size one or two), and a bamboo nappy (size one or two), two waterproof wraps, one packet of biodegradable liners, and a handy laundry bag.

We recommend that parents try the Trial Tester Pack before committing to the enhanced Pack

Option two: Birth to Potty (enhanced pack) 

The Birth to Potty (enhanced pack) has been developed to reduce the need to use two sets of nappies in different sizes throughout the nappy years and will provide you with a full set of one-sized, adjustable, easy to use reusable nappies. The pack contains; 20 one-sized, adjustable, easy to use Birth to Potty nappies (incorporating a removable washable liner), convenient biodegradable liners (also available from all good outlets), and a handy laundry bag.

North Ayrshire Council would also like to keep in touch to understand how we can improve the experience further for future parents.


To qualify you must be a resident of North Ayrshire, and be expecting a baby or have a baby of nappy wearing age. *Subject to availability*

Why choose reusable nappies?

  • can save you money
  • easy to use
  • easy to clean
  • can be used again if you have another baby
  • can be line-dried
  • you can help reduce waste and help the environment


Please complete the Real Nappy Scheme Enquiry Form to apply.

Please provide your full name, address and contact telephone so a member of our team can telephone you to discuss what option suits you and your baby best.

The pack will be delivered to your local library - we will notify you when it is available for collection.

Benefits of using real nappies


On average a baby goes through 5,000 disposable nappies, a cost of around £650 to £1300. A set of 'real' nappies costs £200 or less.


In the UK, 8 million nappies a day are sent to landfill. Studies show that you can reduce your environmental impact by up to 40% by choosing reusable nappies.

Convenience and comfort

'Real' nappies are shaped to fit, like disposable nappies. Some can be adjusted to fit from birth up to potty training.


Use 'real' nappies to suit your lifestyle, perhaps switching from reusable, at home, to disposables when out and about.

Scotland's Baby Box

The Baby Box project also helps families prepare for the arrival of their baby and includes a real nappy offering.

What to do when you no longer need your reusable nappies

Once you have finished using your real nappies you can give them to someone you know who would use them or contact Ayrshire Nappy Library. You could also offer them for free on online reuse sites. If you are unable to find somewhere to take nappies you no longer require, please contact us.

Cloth nappies will last a long time, but once they have reached the end of their usable life they can be recycled with textiles at your local recycling point.


For further support on the Real Nappy Schemes please contact a waste awareness team member at:

