Arrange a burial
Burials are normally arranged by contacting a funeral director. A burial may be arranged independently by contacting us.
Make arrangement formIn some circumstances we may arrange a local authority funeral where no one else else has made suitable arrangements.
Buying a lair
Under Scottish Law, when you buy a lair you buy the Exclusive Right of Burial in the lair. This means that you:
- do not own the land
- have bought the right to be buried there
- have the right to erect a memorial
The land stays in the ownership of the burial authority or council.
Rights are sold in perpetuity and may be transferred at any time. You may only purchase the Exclusive Right of Burial from us when arranging a burial or interment of ashes. We have a policy of no pre-purchasing.
Types of lair
Some of our cemeteries are no longer open to new lairs. Our cemeteries offer the following services:
Use our to map select a cemetery location and check service availability.
Arrange a private interment
Contact us to arrange a private interment, or scattering of cremated remains in a lair.
Private interment formWe will need a copy of the cremation certificate and the lair details.
Scattering of cremated remains
This is normally carried out by cemetery staff. Turf is removed from the grave, the ashes are scattered on the soil and the turf is relaid.