Those who touch our lives stay in our hearts forever. North Ayrshire Council would like to help honour those we have lost by providing different memorials options for families and loved ones.
Memorials in cemeteries
The right to erect a memorial is provided as part of the purchase of the Exclusive Right of Burial.
There is no requirement to erect a memorial, or headstone, if you do not wish to do so.
All memorial works must be by stonemasons, or monumental sculptors, registered under the British Register of Accredited Monumental Masons.
Memorials must be constructed of natural stone, or terrazzo, and must not contain any wood, plastic or glass.
All inscriptions are approved by North Ayrshire Council.
We do not permit:
- wooden crosses
- copes, railings, fences
- gravel, corner stones
Before the memorial is erected, the memorial mason must obtain permission from Bereavement Services.
Apply for a memorial plaque on a bench
You need permission from North Ayrshire Council to place a memorial plaque on a bench. Benches are council owned assets for public use. Plaques must meet our specifications:
- approved suppliers of plaques are David Ogilvie Engineering Limited and Timpson’s
- plaques should be 100% silver steel (not plastic with silver plating each side)
- plaques should be standard size of 100 x 60 mm, no larger
- there should be four holes, one in each corner, for rivet attachment
- text of no more than 40 to 45 words
- text should not be offensive, that is: no sectarian language, specific religious beliefs, or political
We will reject plaques that do not meet the above.
Additional memorial plaques for family members may be permitted upon request.
Use the map in the application form to check for an available bench.
Apply for plaque formIf approved, you will receive a confirmation email. You should wait for this before buying a plaque.
Deliver plaques to: Streetscene Strategy Officer, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA11 8EE.
Plaques will be fitted quarterly.
Upkeep of plaques
Plaques will be checked regularly. If a plaque has deteriorated due to weather, or damage, we will contact you and ask that you have it replaced. If you don't respond, we will remove the plaque and dispose of it after 6 months.
Unpermitted plaques and other items
Unpermitted plaques will be removed. The cost for removal will be passed on to the person(s) who arranged it.
No personal items should be placed on, or at a bench. If found, we will try to contact you to request removal. If you fail to do this, we will remove items and place in storage.