Nuisance calls and unwanted mail
Unwanted mail and nuisance calls may cause disruption and stress to people's lives. There are steps that be taken to help stop this.
Stop unwanted mail
Follow these steps to reduce the mail you receive (steps 2, 3, 4 are most effective and less time consuming than 1 and 5).
Step 1: Write to sender
For mail addressed to 'The Occupier' or personally addressed from companies that you already deal with. Write to, or email, the company to advise that you no longer wish to receive material from them.
Step 2: Register with the Mailing Preference Service
This can reduce the amount of personally addressed direct mail you receive by up to 85%. It can take up to four months to have full effect. Most people see a difference after 30 days.
This will only reduce direct mailings to your name and address. Others living in your household will have to register separately. Register at Mailing Preference Service or call 0207 291 3310.
Step 3: Register with Your Choice and opt out of the Royal Mail's Door to Door service
Reduce the number of unaddressed mail, such as flyers, circulars, and leaflets by registering with the Your Choice preference service and by opting out of the Royal Mail's Door to Door service.
For information about Your Choice email the Data and Marketing Association or call 020 7291 3300.
For an opt out form see Royal Mail.
Step 4: Opt out of the edited version of the electoral register
The edited register is available for sale and can be used for direct marketing activities. Choose not to be included in the edited version by ticking the opt out box when registering to vote. For information visit the electoral commission website.
Step 5: Use online services
Switch to online services. Ask to stop receiving paper bills and statements. Contact your service providers for details.
Nuisance calls
Nuisance phone calls pose a significant problem for older and vulnerable people. Nuisance calls can:
- cause undue stress
- leave you afraid to pick up your phone
Unwanted calls can result in vulnerable people making ill-advised decisions about their:
- home
- life
- finances
Examples could include:
- changing their utility provider
- purchasing an unnecessary product
- entering a bogus prize draw
Rushing to answer your phone could lead to a slip or trip, causing you and your family further undue stress.
Truecall Call Blocker is like having a home receptionist who:
- lets calls from your friends and family straight through
- blocks unwelcome callers
- asks unrecognised callers to identify themselves before it puts them through
Trading Standards North Ayrshire has a limited number of these devices which come fully funded and fitted by our trained Trading Standards Team.
For information or advice, contact us.
Address: North Ayrshire Council, Trading Standards, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE