CWB in Ayrshire
The Ayrshire Community Wealth Building Commission is chaired by Councillor Marie Burns, Leader of North Ayrshire Council. Its purpose is to progress and promote the development of a collaborative approach to Community Wealth Building (CWB) in Scotland. It will:
- work with and encourage wider local and regional Anchor Institutions in Community Wealth Building initiatives
- share highlights, success stories and promote best practice among Anchor Institutions and stakeholders
- track the implementation of the Community Wealth Building Ayrshire Anchor Charter
- review policy and practice to deliver a more inclusive economy
The Commission includes representation from:
- senior Elected Members
- council services
- the Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board
- Community Planning Partners (CPP)
This includes major Ayrshire Anchor Institutions:
- North Ayrshire Council
- East Ayrshire Council
- South Ayrshire Council
- NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Scottish Fire and Rescue
- Police Scotland
- Ayrshire College
- Scottish Enterprise
- The Ayrshire Community Trust (Third Sector Interface)
CWB Lead Officer Working Group
The Lead Officer Working Group (LOWG) was established to take ownership of the Commission work plan and progress actions as directed by the Commission.