Temporary accommodation
We provide advice, help, and support to people who live in homeless temporary accommodation in North Ayrshire. Temporary accommodation is offered to anyone who has nowhere to live and is eligible to apply for homeless assistance.
We will help you take control of issues which may appear overwhelming. We will guide you through the homeless process. We can direct you to other agencies if necessary.
We aim to help develop the skills you need to keep your own tenancy and avoid becoming homeless. If you are assessed as being homeless, we will arrange temporary accommodation for you. Once booked into your accommodation, a housing support worker will visit you within three working days.
Our temporary accommodation consists of:
- one hostel (Ardrossan direct access accommodation)
- dispersed accommodation throughout North Ayrshire
You will be offered accommodation dependent on:
- availability
- your housing need
We may offer you hostel accommodation before moving you to dispersed accommodation. We will try to provide accommodation in an area suitable to you, taking individual circumstances into account.
Time spent in temporary accommodation depends on individual circumstances. We try to keep the time that anyone spends in temporary accommodation to a minimum.
You will be responsible for paying Council Tax within your temporary accommodation.
If you are in receipt of state benefit, you would be eligible for Housing Benefit depending on your circumstances.
If you are employed, you may be eligible to pay rent and may be entitled to help with Housing Benefit. This would be means tested against your income. We will discuss this at your housing options interview.
The Housing Support Team will help you, and members of your household, to manage your tenancy or temporary accommodation. See our Housing support information pack.
It is difficult to give an exact timescale as it depends on:
- demand for housing
- stock availability
- any accessible needs that you may have
Address: North Ayrshire Council, Galt House, 31 Bank Street, Irvine, KA12 0LL