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Community Asset Transfer 

Community Asset Transfer involves the transfer of responsibility for an asset from the council to any suitably qualified community, voluntary or social enterprise group. 

Assets may include:

  • public halls and community centres
  • public conveniences
  • parks
  • sports facilities
  • play areas

Some assets must stay under council ownership to support the delivery of essential services or economic activity in an area. Other assets may have restrictive title conditions attached which would restrict their use to a defined purpose. For example, the building can only be used for sports and leisure purposes.

Our policy on Community Asset Transfer

North Ayrshire Council is committed to Community Asset Transfer where that will bring benefits to communities and contribute towards achieving the council's aims and objectives.

Community asset transfer can be a valuable part of supporting and sustaining communities.

Read our Community Asset Transfer policy (PDF, 189kb).

Asset register

Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, we are required to publish a register of property (PDF, 657kb) North Ayrshire Council owns or leases. Some land and property may not be suitable for transfer, please see section 4 of our asset transfer guide.

Apply for an asset

Our guidance pack, with appendices, contains step by step guidance, an application form and additional material.

External advice and information is available from the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS).

Planning permission may be needed if the transfer involves any new building or change of use of an existing building or property. Please check in advance.  

Guidance pack and additional material

Next steps

Once you have completed your initial enquiry form, we will review the suitability of your request and, if suitable, send you the full community asset transfer form. This form will require information on:

  • the request
  • the skills, knowledge and experience that your organisation has
  • how the proposal will contribute to the local priorities set out by the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnerships Local Outcomes Improvement Plan
  • the Business & Development Plan
  • supporting documentation

Community Ownership Fund

The £150 million Community Ownership Fund is for communities across the United Kingdom. It has been set up to help communities take ownership of assets at risk of closure. It will run for 4 years until 2024/25.

Voluntary and community organisations can bid for match funding. Funding may support the purchase and/or renovation costs of community assets.

Applications are subject to the eligibility requirements outlined in the below prospectus. The Fund will support a range of proposals that enable people and communities across the UK to thrive.

Proposals will need to prove the value of the asset to local people and that the asset can run sustainably for the long-term benefit of the community.

Find out more by reading the Community Ownership Fund prospectus.

Publication of requests and representations

Copies of asset transfer requests and any documents/information accompanying the request will be made available here until the request process is complete.

This allows anyone to ask questions or to challenge the request. This is called making a representation. Any representation made about the request will also be made available.

To comply with data protection requirements, personal information will be redacted from these documents before they are published.

The asset transfer requests listed will show the date of submission and the asset they relate to. Each request will also show the dates of the representation consultation period (20 working days).

All representations received will be copied to the community transfer body for their comments, and will then be published.


There are currently no Community Asset Transfer Requests available to view.

Making a representation

You can make a representation during consultation periods by email.

Please note: If the asset transfer body makes an appeal or review and you have made a representation, we may contact you at a future date.

By submitting representations you are agreeing to this.

Contact Community Asset Transfer Team

