Private landlord advice
If you are the landlord of a privately rented property there are legal obligations you must abide by. You must:
- apply for a licence or registration
- seek permission from your mortgage provider and your insurer prior to renting the property
- ensure that your property is in a good state of repair and meets the tolerable and repairing standards
- ensure that your property meets the relevant gas, furniture and furnishings, electrical and water safety regulations
- tenancies created after 1 December 2017 must be 'Private Residential Tenancies'. You can no longer create 'Assured Tenancies' or 'Short Assured Tenancies'
- give your tenant all the terms of their tenancy in writing. You can create a free Scottish Government model tenancy agreement online
- pay any deposit taken (which can be a maximum of two months’ rent) into a registered tenancy deposit scheme.
Find more information in our checklist for private landlords.
Our scheme of assistance provides information, advice and practical support to help repair, maintain, improve or adapt homes.
More support
- We hold landlord events twice a year. For the next meeting date, see the housing consultation events page.
- The Private Sector Advice Service is available to offer you support and advice on a variety of housing matters.
- Guidance on maintaining your property, including details of how to find a qualified contractor, can be found on the Scottish Government website.
- Under One Roof offers impartial advice on repairs and maintenance for flat owners in Scotland.