Rent charges
The amount of rent charged is based on the size and type of property.
Weekly rent charges
Number of bedrooms | Flat | House |
0 | £68.05 | £68.05 |
1 | £85.99 | £86.49 |
2 | £87.30 | £87.84 |
3 | £88.61 | £89.08 |
4 | £89.82 | £90.32 |
5 | Not applicable | £91.66 |
6 | Not applicable | £92.91 |
Monthly rent charges
If you wish to pay monthly, calculate your monthly payment by multiplying your weekly rent by 52 and then divide by 12.
Rent charges review
Rent charges are reviewed each year. We will consult with you during the process. This will normally take place in the Autumn. New rent charges are applied from the first Monday in April each year.