Non-statutory planning guidance
The following guidance supports the preparation and assessment of planning applications for certain types of development proposals:
- advertisements
- Housing in the countryside document
- Kirkton Design Brief document - planning permission for plots at Golf Road, Millport was granted subject to new houses complying with this design brief
- Landscape Wind Capacity Study - guidance on the constraints and opportunities for wind energy development, including repowering existing wind farms using larger turbines, based on the landscape and visual sensitivity of individual landscape character types and potential cumulative issues associated with operational and consented wind farm developments
- Seascape/Landscape assessment of the Firth of Clyde
- shopfronts
- trees and development
- Windows in Listed Buildings and Conservation document
- waste recycling within new developments
Contact the Strategic Planning Team for a copy of any of these documents.
Address: Strategic Planning, Planning Services, North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE